Paris Day 3

Paris Day 3

Again today Paul and I did our own thing in Paris. Our hotel is in a perfect location as it is a 10 minute walk to the Champs Elysees so we went exploring. It was quite hot so we saw a bar that indicated it had air conditioning. We were shown to a seat and told the breeze may come in. There was no breeze!

We checked out the menu and realised that beers and soft drinks were 3 euro dearer here than back near our hotel. That means 7.4 euro  ($11.80 Aus) for a can of coke. I was not that thirsty!


So we left quickly and ended up at The Bowler, an English style pub across the street from our hotel. It was air conditioned and became very crowded at lunch time. So we had a very poor quality lunch and a few drinks, then went back to our hotel.

At 6.30 a group of about 18 of us met to go out for dinner, then walk to The Lido.

The cabaret show was fabulous. It was far more than just dancing. The mime artist was great. There were ice skaters, trapeze etc. I was amazed how they kept changing the stage floor surface right next to our table. One minute it was dry, then had 4 inches of water, then an ice skate rink, then dry, then water with fountains. Very clever technology.

I think Paul was more impressed with the girls who found the weather too hot to get completely dressed.


Lido 2
Lido 3


We wandered back to our hotel after the show and hoped to get a drink at a local bar. But once again the smokers made that a very unattractive option. My asthma has been really had so we skipped drinks in a bar and had juice back at our hotel. They provide complimentary refreshments until 11 pm. We were still there enjoying them until way after that – so a great hotel with good facilities.


We would highly recommend The Bradford Hotel to anyone who wants a bit of luxury in the heart of Paris, close the city centre.